Building Options: Choose bright closet Note the four elements

31 May

How to choose a good cabinet, industry sources pointed out that the time of purchase for consumers of the four elements:

1. Select well-known brands. When consumers choose the best option overall wardrobe higher brand awareness market, such as Sofia, Yishi Li U.S. and Australia.

2. To see whether the green sheet. Open the door or drawer smell, if there is a strong smell of sexual stimulation is mostly excessive levels of formaldehyde.

3. To see the manufacture of materials and pulley durability. Pulley manufacture and durability of materials and the life of a great relationship closet. It is understood that cabinet Park Mangrove Bay closet most exclusive patented design with glass fiber material pulley, imported steel bearings, and wear resistance in both stable and good.

4. See warranty card. During the warranty, the general warranty brand closet shall be not less than 5 years.

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